Denver gay bar history

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Their classes on wig maintenance, makeup, performance and sewing are being held at the Factory Fashion art hub in Aurora, which is part of the Aurora-based community arts collective Factory Five Five.Ĭourtesy Jessica Nelson Denver drag queen Diamond Starr at a recent Factory Fashion class they are helping run for teen and tween drag queens. Starr is helping run a series of classes for young queens to learn the ins and outs of drag.

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This month, Charney is getting help from Denver drag queen Diamond Starr, who has been performing in the city for 18 years. “I was able to use drag as a toolbox to be able to become who I want to be.”Ĭharney, who is also majoring in theater in the Denver School of the Arts, is always looking to push their work forward. “Since I’m nonbinary, I kind of started drag as my gender journey,” Charney recently told KUNC’s Erin O’Toole on Colorado Edition. Charney rocked the costume, and a few short weeks later, they signed up to give a drag performance at their school talent show. They realized a Halloween drag queen costume was the perfect excuse.Ĭharney’s mom bought them the garment and shoes. The birth of Viola Eccentra, 15-year-old Sam Charney’s drag persona, happened in seventh grade.Ĭharney had been looking for an opportunity to wear a dress and heels.

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