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Altman is currently running for Congress, and this case is being filed in his name despite the fact that his campaign website proclaims he supports free speech. Republican lawyer Tim Anderson, who serves in the Virginia House of Delegates, stated in a Facebook post that he filed a lawsuit for his client Tommy Altman against Barnes & Noble and Virginia Beach Schools in order to prevent minors from purchasing or borrowing certain books without parental consent. In case you needed another reminder that we’re living in a reality where people in power in the United States have bafflingly idiotic views about censorship, here’s the latest. This comes amidst various attempts to ban and even burn certain books across the United States, which just last week prompted The Handmaid’s Tale author Margaret Atwood to auction off an “unburnable” version of the book to support the fight against censorship. CBSreports that a Virginia state legislator is filing a restraining order against bookstore chain Barnes & Noble in an attempt to get them to restrict access to certain books.

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